About me
A full stack software engineer based out of Charlottesville Virginia with a passion for learning, writing, and intuitive design. I am currently looking to join a company with a positive social impact, where I can be a part of a team of ambitious and like minded individuals. Coming from a background in event management, I thrive in new and frenetic environments, either as leader or supporter. I have developed multiple projects in JavaScript and Python, utilizing React / Redux frontends with either Express of Flask backends connected to PostgreSQL databases. I have experience using both AWS and React Beautiful drag and drop libraries, having implemented both to enhance stability and user experience. I am currently endeavoring to gain a greater understanding of C type languages, with a primary focus on C#, which I plan to use to learn the Unity game engine.
Outside of programming I enjoy storytelling in all its forms, collaborative and individual. I have been an avid fan of tabletop role-playing games for much of my life, both as player and creator. I staunchly believe in “Show don't tell”, and strive to bring that principle into anything I design, whether that be a game with friends, or a website focused on ease of use and intuitivity.